The Chaldean people boast a rich history spanning over 5,500 years. Our roots trace back to Mesopotamia, the cradle of civilization in present-day Iraq. Chaldeans are Aramaic-speaking Eastern Rite Catholics, united with the Roman Catholic Church but with our own distinct Patriarch – the Patriarch of Babylon for the Chaldeans.
Today, the Chaldean community thrives across the globe. While Iraq remains our ancestral homeland, significant populations reside in countries like Syria and the United States. In fact, the U.S. is home to an estimated 500,000 Chaldeans, with vibrant communities in Arizona, California, and Illinois. This growth is largely due to ongoing religious persecution, forcing many to flee their homes in search of a safe haven.
Entrepreneurial Spirit and Strong Family Values:
The story of the Chaldean diaspora is one of resilience and determination. Like many ethnic groups, Chaldeans began immigrating to the U.S. in the 1920s. Many sought a better life, driven by the desire for economic opportunity, religious freedom, and a stable future for their families. The iconic $5-a-day wage offered by Henry Ford initially attracted some, but the entrepreneurial spirit that defines the Chaldean community truly flourished. “Mom and pop” food markets became a hallmark of Chaldean success, and today, nearly two-thirds of Chaldean households own at least one business!
Metro Detroit boasts the largest Chaldean population outside of Iraq, with an estimated 187,000 people. Here, our community thrives thanks to a strong foundation of faith – evidenced by the presence of 10 Chaldean Catholic Churches – and the enduring importance of close-knit family ties. A 2016 DBusiness article highlights the significant economic impact of the Chaldean community in Michigan, with an estimated annual contribution exceeding $18 billion!
We focus on enhancing, empowering, educating, integrating, and assimilating the most vulnerable members of our community
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