• info@chaldeancouncil.org
  • 405 East Lexington Ave, El Cajon, CA 92020
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chaldean community council

Public Assistance

Our Public Assistances program aims to help eligible individuals and families access critical support services to improve their quality of life. Our team can assist with the application process for CalWORKs, CalFresh, and MediCAL, which provide temporary financial assistance, monthly food benefits, and health insurance coverage to low-income individuals and families. We understand that navigating the application process can be overwhelming, and we are here to help guide you through every step. Our team can also connect you with other resources that will help promote financial stability. If you are in need of public assistance, please do not hesitate to reach out to us for help.

i. CalWORKs: The CalWORKs

program provides temporary financial assistance and job training to low-income families with children. Our team can help eligible individuals and families apply for CalWORKs benefits, which can include cash aid, job training, and childcare assistance. We can also assist with understanding the eligibility requirements and connecting you with other resources that can help you achieve financial stability.

ii. CalFresh

The CalFresh program provides monthly food benefits to eligible low-income individuals and families. Our team can help you apply for CalFresh benefits, which can be used to purchase groceries at participating stores. We can also provide guidance on the eligibility requirements and connect you with other resources that can help you access healthy and affordable food.

iii. Medical

The Medical program provides health insurance coverage to eligible low-income individuals and families. Our team can help you understand the different types of Medical programs available, including Medi-Cal and Covered California. We can assist with the application process, provide guidance on eligibility requirements, and connect you with other resources that can help you access healthcare services.

Employment Development Department

Our team can provide guidance and support throughout the application process, helping community members access the financial resources they need to support themselves and their families.

The Chaldean Community Council

Rental Assistance

The Chaldean Community Council
understands that housing stability is crucial to maintaining overall well-being. Our Rental Assistance program aims to provide financial support to eligible individuals and families who are struggling to pay rent due to an economic hardship. Our team can assist with the application process for rental assistance programs, which can provide temporary financial aid to cover rent and utility costs. We understand that navigating the application process can be overwhelming, and we are here to help guide you through every step. If you are in need of rental assistance, please do not hesitate to reach out to us for help.

i. San Diego County Emergency Rental Assistance

The San Diego County Emergency Rental Assistance program provides temporary financial aid to eligible individuals and families who are struggling to pay rent and utilities due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Our team can assist with the application process for this program, which can help cover past-due and future rent and utility costs.

ii. Apply to Section 8 Housing

The Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher program provides rental assistance to eligible low-income families and individuals. Our team can assist with the application process for the Section 8 program, which can help cover a portion of the rent for qualifying individuals and families.

iii. Apply to Low Income Apartments

There are a variety of low-income housing options available throughout San Diego County. Our team can assist with identifying and applying to low-income apartments that are affordable for your household size and income level. We can also provide guidance on eligibility requirements and connect you with other resources that can help you achieve housing stability.

chaldean community council

Civic Engagement

At the Chaldean Community Council, we believe that civic engagement is a critical component of building strong and vibrant communities. Our Civic Engagement program is designed to empower community members to participate in local government and advocacy efforts. We provide education and resources to help community members understand the political process, including how to register to vote and how to engage with elected officials. We also offer opportunities for community members to participate in advocacy efforts on issues that impact the Chaldean and Middle Eastern communities, such as immigration reform and access to healthcare. Our goal is to ensure that our community’s voices are heard and that we have a seat at the table when decisions are being made that impact our lives. If you are interested in getting involved in civic engagement efforts, please reach out to us for more information. Together, we can build a stronger and more equitable community for all.

i. Citizenship Exam Workshops

Our Citizenship Exam Workshops are designed to help eligible community members prepare for the U.S. citizenship exam. Our team provides educational materials and support to help community members understand the exam format and content. We also offer opportunities for participants to practice taking the exam and receive feedback from our team.

ii. Citizenship Application Assistance

Applying for U.S. citizenship can be a complex and overwhelming process. Our team is here to help guide community members through the citizenship application process, including completing and submitting the necessary forms and documentation. We also provide support to help community members prepare for their citizenship interviews.

iii. Permanent Resident Application Assistance

Our team can also assist eligible community members with the application process for permanent residency. We provide guidance on the eligibility requirements and necessary documentation, and help community members complete and submit their applications. We understand that navigating the application process can be challenging, and we are here to provide the support and resources needed to help our community members succeed.

The Chaldean Community Council

College Education Assistance

at The Chaldean Community Council
we believe that access to higher education is a critical component of empowering individuals and building strong communities. Our College Education Assistance program is designed to help community members overcome barriers to higher education, including financial challenges and lack of resources.

We offer a range of services to support community members on their college journey. This includes assistance with college admission applications, including identifying the right colleges and universities for each individual’s needs and preferences. We also provide guidance and support for the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and Educational Opportunity Program Applications (EOP), to help community members access the financial resources they need to succeed in college.

In addition, we offer scholarship assistance, including essay preparation and application assistance. Our team works closely with community members to identify scholarship opportunities and provide support throughout the application process.

We understand that navigating the college application process can be overwhelming, particularly for first-generation college students or those with limited resources. Our team is here to provide the support and resources needed to help community members succeed. We also offer resources to help community members succeed in college, such as academic support services and career development workshops.

Our goal is to help community members achieve their academic and professional goals, and to build a more educated and skilled workforce in the Chaldean and Middle Eastern communities. If you are interested in learning more about our College Education Assistance program, including the services we offer, please reach out to us for more information. We look forward to helping you achieve your dreams!

chaldean community council

Workforce Development

At the Chaldean Community Council, we recognize the importance of gainful employment for individuals and families. Our Workforce Development program is designed to provide community members with the resources and support they need to succeed in the job market.

We offer job readiness services, including job application assistance and resume workshops. Our team works closely with community members to identify job opportunities and provide support throughout the application process, including help with resume writing and interview preparation. We help with job placement, training, applications, mock interviews, ESL services, resume creation and editing, computer training and assistance, assistance with obtaining certifications and licenses (such as caregiver licensing, childcare licensing, etc.). We work closely with local businesses in helping identify their employment needs and satisfying them with clients we assist.

We believe that employment is a critical component of building strong communities and empowering individuals to achieve their goals. That’s why we offer a range of resources to help community members succeed in the job market, including career development workshops and job fairs.

If you are interested in learning more about our Workforce Development program, including the services we offer, please reach out to us for more information. We look forward to helping you achieve your career goals and build a stronger community.

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The Chaldean Community Council

Youth Substance Abuse Prevention Program

At the Chaldean Community Council, we are dedicated to supporting the health and well-being of our youth. Recognizing the rising challenges posed by vaping and drug use among young individuals, we have established a comprehensive Youth Substance Abuse Prevention Program. This program aims to educate, empower, and support children and teenagers in making healthy choices and resisting the pressures of substance use. Key Components of the Program: 1. Educational Workshops: We conduct regular workshops in schools and community centers to educate youth about the dangers of vaping and drug use. These sessions include interactive activities, presentations by health professionals, and real-life stories from individuals affected by substance abuse. 2. Counseling Services: Our program offers confidential counseling services to children and teenagers who may be struggling with substance use or are at risk. Licensed counselors provide one-on-one support and guidance to help them overcome challenges and build resilience. 3. Peer Support Groups: We facilitate peer support groups where young people can share their experiences, support each other, and learn from peers who have successfully resisted or overcome substance abuse. 4. Parental Involvement: We believe that parents play a crucial role in preventing substance abuse. Our program includes informational sessions for parents, providing them with the tools and knowledge to support their children in making healthy choices. 5. Community Outreach: We engage the broader community in our efforts, working with local schools, healthcare providers, and law enforcement to create a supportive environment for youth. Community events and campaigns raise awareness and promote a unified stance against substance abuse.

The Chaldean Community Council

Small Business Assistance

The Chaldean Community Council understands the importance of small businesses to our community and economy. That’s why we offer a range of resources to support entrepreneurs and small business owners in achieving their goals.

Our Small Business Assistance program is designed to provide community members with the tools and resources they need to start and grow successful businesses. We offer a range of services, including assistance with the Small Business Administration (SBA) Loan Application and Payroll Payment Protection (PPP) Loan Applications.

Our team can provide guidance and support throughout the loan application process, helping community members access the financial resources they need to start or grow their businesses. We can also provide information and resources on a range of topics, including business planning, marketing, and financial management.

We believe that small businesses are a critical component of a thriving community and economy. That’s why we work closely with community members to identify opportunities and provide support throughout the startup and growth phases.

If you are interested in learning more about our Small Business Assistance program, including the services we offer, please reach out to us for more information. We look forward to working with you to achieve your entrepreneurial goals and contribute to the success of our community.

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chaldean community council

COVID-19 Assistance

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on our community, and the Chaldean Community Council is committed to providing resources and support to help community members stay healthy and informed during this challenging time.

Our COVID-19 Assistance program is designed to provide community members with access to critical information, testing, and vaccination services. We offer a range of services, including COVID-19 Instant Testing in collaboration with SDSU, COVID-19 Education through video and flyers, and COVID-19 Vaccination Events in collaboration with the San Diego County Health Department and San Ysidro Health.

Our team is dedicated to helping community members stay informed about the latest developments related to COVID-19 and providing access to resources and services that can help them stay healthy and safe. We are committed to working closely with community members to identify needs and provide support throughout this challenging time.

If you are interested in learning more about our COVID-19 Assistance program, including the services we offer, please reach out to us for more information. We are here to support you and our community during this difficult time.

The Chaldean Community Council

Radio and TV Broadcast

Our Radio and TV Broadcast program is dedicated to providing educational programming on a variety of local issues, as well as working with professionals to educate the community on health issues with a focus on COVID-related programs in Arabic and Chaldean languages.

We believe that access to accurate information and education is essential to building a healthy and informed community. That’s why we work hard to produce and broadcast high-quality educational programming that covers a range of topics, including community events, health and wellness, and education and career development.

In addition to our regular programming, we also collaborate with local health professionals to produce and broadcast programs on COVID-related topics in Arabic and Chaldean languages. This is an important service for our community, as we understand that language barriers can make it difficult for community members to access the information and resources they need to stay healthy and informed during the pandemic.

If you are interested in learning more about our Radio and TV Broadcast program, including the services we offer, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us for more information. We are here to serve you and our community.

chaldean community council

Computer Literacy

Our Computer Literacy program is designed to empower community members with the skills and knowledge needed to effectively utilize computers and laptops in their personal and professional lives. We understand that access to technology and digital literacy is becoming increasingly important in our modern world, which is why we are committed to providing training and resources to those who need it.

Our program offers a range of services, including educating the community on how to utilize a computer or laptop, as well as providing Microsoft Office training. We believe that these skills are essential for success in today’s workforce and in our daily lives, and we want to make sure that everyone has access to the resources they need to thrive.

We are committed to providing high-quality training and resources that are accessible to all members of our community, regardless of their background or experience with technology. Our knowledgeable and experienced instructors are dedicated to ensuring that every participant in our program receives the support and guidance they need to succeed.

If you are interested in learning more about our Computer Literacy program, including the services we offer, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us for more information. We are here to serve you and our community.